Screw it, let's do it

Screw it, let's do it

How Virgin Atlantic is creating amazing customer experiences fast

read time 1 min

01 Time to move forward

It’s launch time at Brightful. We are raring to go and are super excited to have you part of our journey. Rather than just celebrating with bubbly and some balloons we wanted to pre-launch with an event that would help you move forward faster. 

02 Screw it, let's do it

Chris Battersby is a Project Lead at Virgin Atlantic and will tell us how agile teams at Virgin Atlantic obsess about creating digital experiences with impact fast.

The event is next Wednesday so make sure to RSVP today to secure your spot.

And of course, there will be bubbly too.

Spaces are limited



Wed 10 July 2019
6pm onwards


7-9 Woodbridge Street
Clerkenwell – London – EC1R 0LL

Click here for google maps directions 

    03 Our how to's to move things forward

    Missed the event?

    Screw it, let's do it!

    Let's sprint to that!